SEM - Noviindus Technologies - Web designers, logo designers and mobile app developers
Office Address
Noviindus Technologies
18/1465 E, Fahad Arcade,
Nexa Showroom Cross Road, Jail Rd,
Puthiyara, Kozhikode, Kerala
Work Inquiries
Email: [email protected]
Call: +91 9995843985


Search Engine Marketing has become a crucial element of Digital Marketing in helping to improve businesses by reaching lakhs of people. Being the best SEM company in Calicut, we have expert SEM solutions to deliver. Moreover, our SEM services are one of the best in Calicut that has given results to our customers. The purpose of SEM is to advertise and promote your web page in order to bring traffic and visibility to the web page from the search engine pages. Indeed, the SEM services at Noviindus Technologies follow high standards. It is the data that drives us. We will set the goals, monitor and track the growth, achievements, and demography. We’re here to assist you in bringing results and growth to your business over time.


Search Engine Marketing has become a crucial element of Digital Marketing in helping to improve businesses by reaching lakhs of people. Being the best SEM company in Calicut, we have expert SEM solutions to deliver. Moreover, our SEM services are one of the best in Calicut that has given results to our customers. The purpose of SEM is to advertise and promote your web page in order to bring traffic and visibility to the web page from the search engine pages. Indeed, the SEM services at Noviindus Technologies follow high standards. It is the data that drives us. We will set the goals, monitor and track the growth, achievements, and demography. We’re here to assist you in bringing results and growth to your business over time.

How We Work

Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning

We craft tailored digital marketing strategies precisely aligned with your specific business goals.

Market Research
Market Research

Our team conducts thorough market analysis to understand your target audience and competitors.

Content Creation
Content Creation

We create engaging and high-quality content to captivate your audience and boost your brand's visibility.


We implement advanced SEO techniques and manage PPC campaigns to drive targeted traffic and maximize ROI.

Social Media Management
Social Media Management

Our experts manage your social media presence, creating impactful campaigns that connect with your audience.

Analytics and Optimization
Analytics and Optimization

We provide detailed analytics and continuously refine strategies to ensure optimal digital marketing performance.

Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning

We craft tailored digital marketing strategies precisely aligned with your specific business goals.

Market Research
Market Research

Our team conducts thorough market analysis to understand your target audience and competitors.

Content Creation
Content Creation

We create engaging and high-quality content to captivate your audience and boost your brand's visibility.


We implement advanced SEO techniques and manage PPC campaigns to drive targeted traffic and maximize ROI.

Social Media Management
Social Media Management

Our experts manage your social media presence, creating impactful campaigns that connect with your audience.

Analytics and Optimization
Analytics and Optimization

We provide detailed analytics and continuously refine strategies to ensure optimal digital marketing performance.

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We help business to evolve & grow We help business to evolve & grow We help business to evolve & grow We help business to evolve & grow We help business to evolve & grow

We are proud to work with


What they say
about us

“We have been working with Noviindus since 2018 for social media promotion and their packages are the most cost-effective in the region.”

Code Quality
“Team Noviindus solved the ranking & SEO issues of my website and now it appears on the
first page of search results.”
Stacey Rickson

Project Manager, Colabrio


Search Engine Marketing has become a crucial element of Digital Marketing in helping to improve businesses by reaching lakhs of people. Being the best SEM company in Calicut, we have expert SEM solutions to deliver. Moreover, our SEM services are one of the best in Calicut that has given results to our customers. The purpose of SEM is to advertise and promote your web page in order to bring traffic and visibility to the web page from the search engine pages. Indeed, the SEM services at Noviindus Technologies follow high standards. It is the data that drives us. We will set the goals, monitor and track the growth, achievements, and demography. We’re here to assist you in bringing results and growth to your business over time.


Having a keyword-rich content is not only the must-needed element for bringing traffic to your website. More than that you need to have to explore the features of SEO. Make your website visible on the search engines with the help of our SEM services.

sem company in calicut

Want to earn more leads and revenue for your business?


Want to get the best results from SEM? Then head on to the best SEM company in Calicut. With over 10 years of experience in the digital marketing world, Noviindus has made its mark as the best SEM company in Calicut. Data is what drives us hence to process the data we use google analytics, google ad words, and other social media platforms. It is the personalized services that we deliver to our customers which have made us the best in the industry. You can leave the responsibility of your search engine marketing to us without any worries. Our proficient SEM specialists will ensure you better results.


Here’s are some of the processes we adopt to improve your lead

Keyword Research

The right keyword determines how much traffic a website may generate. We have a dedicated team that will take care of this for you. We’ll discover the most appropriate keywords to rank your website.

Market Research

Market research is an important element of keyword research. It can tell you the best keywords, both those that your competitors aren’t using and those that they are. We will research the appropriate keyword for you based on your business requirements.

Ad Campaign Management

Noviindus organizes a collection of linked ideas into a single concept. Typically, an advertising campaign is disseminated over multiple media platforms. It may concentrate on a single or a few brands or on a common theme.

PPC (Pay Per Click) Services

Calicut-based Noviindus is a renowned pay-per-click service provider. PPC is an online advertising technique that is based on clicks, which are then qualified.


Advantages of our SEM services
  • We’re the best SEM company in Calicut
  • Get more customers easily
  • Global Reach to your webpage
  • Improved visibility on search engines
  • Our service charges are affordable
  • We’ll deliver your projects On-Time
  • Get SEM services from expert staff

Get in touch

Improve traffic to your website with our SEM services

Reach out to us to see how we can do it for you. Let’s join hands for a great future..